The History and Evolution of Beef Jerky

The History and Evolution of Beef Jerky

Beef jerky has been enjoyed by people for centuries, but where did it originate and how has it evolved over time? Here is a brief history of this tasty snack.


The origins of beef jerky can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians and Native Americans were some of the first to preserve meat by drying it in the sun or smoking it over a fire. This allowed them to store meat for long periods of time without it going bad.

As people began to migrate and explore new lands, the process of making beef jerky spread to other parts of the world. In the 16th century, European explorers discovered that the native people in South America and the Caribbean were also making jerky by drying thin slices of meat in the sun.

Modern Techniques

There are many different techniques and methods used to make beef jerky today, including:

  • Drying the meat in an oven or dehydrator
  • Using a curing process that includes adding salt or other preservatives to the meat

For more information on the process of making beef jerky, check out this article on our blog.

Changes in Popularity and Production

The popularity of beef jerky has also changed over time. In the past, it was primarily consumed by travelers and soldiers as a convenient source of protein on the go. However, in recent years, beef jerky has become a popular snack among a wider range of people and is widely available in stores and online.

The production of beef jerky has also changed over time. In the past, it was mostly made at home or in small batches by specialty producers. Today, there are many large-scale producers of beef jerky, such as Jack Link's and Oberto, and it is also made by small, artisanal producers using traditional methods such as Bulk beef jerky or people's choice beef jerky.


In conclusion, the history of beef jerky is long and varied, with origins dating back to ancient civilizations. The methods and popularity of beef jerky have evolved over time, and it is now a widely available and popular snack.

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